Public Meeting Thursday Morning @ Town Hall Theater – Luring Sign To Be Finalized After 63% Drop In Afterlife Scam Takings At Maitland River Community Church

All victims of the Hall Of Shamer doug kuyvenhoven’s BIA are encouraged to attend the public meeting 8am Thursday (05Nov) at Wingham Town Hall. Doug Kuyvenhoven is forcing businesses to pay $40,000 for a sign they can’t advertise on, but doug’s church can. Only a few businesses on Josephine St are pro-pedophile/BIA. Most are strongly against this abuse by the Wingham BIA Board & Maitland River Community Church and believe our children should be protected.

It seems afterlife scam revenue has dropped 63% at doug’s church (Maitland River Community Church) from over $1,000,000/year to a bit over $300,000. This could be due to the publicity over their ministry being up on 14 criminal charges, or people are just tired of his afterlife scam, where you give them money now and you will be rewarded/paid back when you are dead.

Now you know why Hall Of Shamer doug kuyvenhoven is demanding the business community pay for a sign to lure more victims to his church. Skyman needs more money!

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